
TerriSTORY: a new energy and climate territorial data governance

Published 21 Février 2020

th, On January 29th, in the occasion of the European Energy Transition Conference, Atmo Auvergne-Rhône-Auvergne, Enedis, GRTgaz, RTE GRDF, Inria and the Réseau des agences régionales de l’énergie et de l’environnement (RARE) joined the TerriSTORY project.

The input of reliable data impacts the ability of actors to understand their geographic area, to identify resources and to target primary levers for action in order to pilot their transition trajectories and tackle every dimension of the energy transition.

The regional agency Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Énergie Environnement (AURA-EE), with the support of the Region and the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME), had started to design in 2018 an online tool for the visualization of data linked to the energy transition and territorial prospect.

Baptized TerriSTORY, this tool for data visualization and decision aid gathered a serie of multi-sectorial territorial indicators: energy consumptions, building industry jobs, energy bills, the share of households served by a heating network, home-work commuting flows, methanization infrastructure… Data can be consulted by non-specialists, at every scale, on a city grid square basis.

The creation of a consortium, who brings together the Network of Regional Energy and Environment Agencies (RARE), the French environmental and energy management agency (ADEME) and big energy network operators, paves the way for a governance that would allow datas on climate, air, energy and environment, to be managed as a common good.

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